Thursday 20 August 2015

Morrigans Armour

Hello people today I am going to show you one of  the best armours in ranging which is degradable in Runescape.

Morrigans Full Armour

This is the Morrigans Armour. It is a very good armour because people can afford to buy it.  It has good stats but it degrades very fast.  This  armour is cheap in members mode and this armour  to me is the best armour to use if you are ranging in wilderness. It degrades after 15 minutes even if you don’t wield it. This armour is actually a waste of money if you are going to only use it for a few minutes because it will degrade even if you don’t use it.
        Nevertheless, this is one best ranging armour on runescape which is degradable.

This weapon is  the Morrigan's axe. It never degrades. It is very special to me because it is the only axe that has a special attack. If you are using the Morrigans armour you will get higher states and higher damage when  you are fighting. The morrigans axe price is 6-7k each. Not much people use this axe because it is too expensive to buy .

                 Morrigans Axe

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